exposed wane
non-exposed wane
Top of board
exposed wane
non-exposed wane
End of board
Figure 4. Depiction of wane
6.5. Submission of contractor inspection designs for approval. Contractor should submit copies of
designs as required to: Commander, U.S. Army Armament, Research, Development and Engineering
Center (ARDEC), ATTN: RDAR-QEM, Picatinny, New Jersey 07806-5000.
6.6. Equivalent test method. Prior approval of the contracting officer is required for use of
equivalent test methods. A description of the proposed method should be submitted through the
Contracting Officer to: Commander, U.S. Army Armament, Research, Development and Engineering
Center (ARDEC), ATTN: RDAR-QEM, Picatinny, New Jersey 07806-5000. This description should
include but not be limited to the accuracy and precision of the method, test data demonstrating the
accuracy and precision and drawings of any special equipment required.
6.7. Copper-8-quinolinolate. The Copper-8-quinolinolate may be obtained under the product
name PQ-56 or PQ-80 from ISK Biocides, Inc. 416 E. Brooks Rd., Memphis, TN 38019 or equivalent
6.8. Zinc Naphthenate. There are no known current EPA registered suppliers of Zinc
6.9. Copper Naphthenate. The Copper Naphthenate may be obtained under the product name
Cunapsol-5 from ISK Biocides, Inc. 416 E. Brooks Rd., Memphis, TN 38019 or equivalent facility.
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